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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Category Basketball

How Many Fouls to Foul Out in The NBA?

How Many Fouls To Foul Out? In the NBA, players are automatically ejected from the game if they commit six fouls. This rule is in place to ensure that players who are committing many fouls cannot stay on the court and impact…

How Long Is An NBA Game?

How Long Is An NBA Game? The average NBA game lasts just over two and a half hours, but there is considerable variation from game to game. The shortest games typically end in a blowout, while games that go down to…

How Many Quarters Are In A Pro Basketball Game?

How Many Quarters In A NBA Game? There are four quarters in a pro basketball (NBA game), with each quarter is twelve minutes long, for a total of forty-eight minutes of playing time. There are also two fifteen-minute halves for thirty minutes…

How Many Rounds Are In The NBA Draft?

How Many Rounds Are In The NBA Draft? The NBA Draft is an annual event held by the National Basketball Association (NBA), in which teams from the league select eligible players to join their organization. The draft is split into two…

What Is A Carry In Basketball?

What Is A Carry In Basketball? A carry in basketball refers to when the ball handler picks up their pivot foot without dribbling or passing the ball. This can happen when a player drives to the basket or moves to avoid…

What Is Contact In Basketball?

What Is Contact In Basketball? Basketball is a game of contact and physicality. When it comes to the rules and regulations, contact is an important part of the game, and it has been for years. But what exactly does “contact”…

What Is The March Madness Selection Committee?

What is the March Madness Selection Committee?  Every year, college basketball fans look forward to March Madness—the annual NCAA Division I Men’s Basketball Tournament. But do you know who is responsible for selecting which teams get to play in the tournament?…

What Is Goaltending In Basketball?

What is Goaltending in Basketball? Goaltending is an infraction in basketball when a defensive player interferes with a ball shot at the basket. The rule is present across various levels of play, ranging from High School to college to men’s and women’s…

Top 15 3-Point Shooters In NBA Of All Time

Best 3-Point Shooters Of All Time The 3-point shot was introduced into the NBA in 1979-1980, and six players made a 3-point shot on the first day of the season. It was seen as more of a desperation shot in the early…

Drills To Improve Your Shooting In Basketball

Improving Your Shot No athlete can reach their peak performance without practice and hard work. When it comes to the sport of basketball, one of the most important skills to focus on is your shooting. In this post, I’ll give you…