Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Category Soccer

When Was Soccer Invented?

When Was Soccer Invented? Soccer is the world’s most popular sport and is played by millions of people worldwide. Though the exact date it was created is unknown, many historians agree that the game can be traced back to ancient Greece, Rome, China, and India. The…

What To Eat Before A Soccer Game?  

What To Eat Before a Soccer Game?  Soccer is the most popular sport in the world. Playing the game at the elite level is physically demanding, with matches combining aerobic and anaerobic activity. Nutritional needs vary according to individual needs, training regimen,…

How to Spot a Fake Football Shirt

Counterfeit football shirts come in a range of “grades”, normally including “A”, “B”, “C” and something “D”. The last 3 grades (B-D) are fairly easy to spot. Let’s go through the various different grades and give some tips on how…

Are Old Football Kits Valuable?

Football Kits are a good investment in the long run. It’s key to remember that shirt size and condition have a significant effect on the long term value of a football shirt. The highest value shirt is in brand new…