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Drills To Improve Your Shooting In Basketball

Improving Your Shot

No athlete can reach their peak performance without practice and hard work. When it comes to the sport of basketball, one of the most important skills to focus on is your shooting. In this post, I’ll give you a few tips and drills to help you improve your shooting percentage and become an all-around better player.

Basketball Drills To Improve Your Shooting

One of the most important skills in basketball is shooting. If you can’t shoot, you’ll not be able to score, and your team will not be successful. There are a lot of different things that go into shooting, from form to release point to follow-through. But the one thing that all great shooters have in common is practice.

The only way to become a great shooter is to put in the time and effort required to master the skill. And that means getting in the gym and putting up shots. A lot of shots. The more you shoot, the better you’ll become. But it’s not enough just to shoot randomly. You need to have a purpose for each shot you take and focus on the mechanics of your shot.

Here are four shooting drills that will help you become a better shooter.

1. First Step Drill

The first step drill is designed to help you with your shooting form. Having the proper form is important if you want to be a great shooter. This drill will help you create muscle memory so that your form becomes second nature.

How to do it: Stand in front of the basket with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees bent. Raise your shooting arm up and extend it towards the basket. Take a small step forward with your lead foot, and then shoot the ball. As you shoot, focus on following through and flicking your wrist.

2. One-handed Drill

The one-handed drill is designed to help you with your release point. It’s important to release the ball at the same spot each time you shoot so that your shots are consistent. This drill will help you find your perfect release point.

How to do it: Stand in front of the basket with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees bent. Raise your shooting arm up and extend it towards the basket. Take a small step forward with your lead foot, and then shoot the ball using only your shooting hand. As you shoot, focus on following through and flicking your wrist.

3. Two-handed Drill

The two-handed drill is designed to help you with your follow-through. It’s important to follow through on your shots to ensure they are going in the right direction. This drill will help you develop proper shooting techniques.

How to do it: Stand in front of the basket with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees bent. Raise both of your arms up and extend them towards the basket. Take a small step forward with your lead foot, and then shoot the ball using both hands. As you shoot, focus on following through and flicking your wrists.

4. Spot Shooting Drill

The spot shooting drill is designed to help you with your accuracy. It’s important to be able to shoot accurately if you want to score points. This drill will help you improve your shooting percentage.

How to do it: Stand in front of the basket and choose a spot on the court that you want to shoot from. It can be anywhere from the free-throw line to the three-point line. Once you’ve chosen your spot, take a shot, move to another spot, and shoot again. Repeat this process until you’ve made ten shots from 10 different spots on the court.

Five Shooting Tips

1. Shoot From Different Distances

One way to become a better shooter is to practice shooting from different distances. Try making shots from close range, mid-range, and beyond the three-point line. This will help you develop a feel for different shot types and how to adjust your aim accordingly.

2. Use a Shooting Coach

A shooting coach can help you identify and correct any flaws in your shooting form. They can also give you helpful tips on how to improve your technique. If you don’t have access to a coach, try watching shooting videos online or reading articles from experienced shooters.

3. Shoot With a Friend

Shooting with a friend can help you stay motivated and focused. It’s also a great way to get feedback on your form. Try taking turns shooting free throws or setting up different drills.

4. Use a Shooting Machine

If you have access to a shooting machine, use it! They can help you get thousands of shots up in a short amount of time. This is a great way to improve your muscle memory and accuracy.

5. Keep Practicing

The most important thing you can do to become a better shooter is to keep practicing. The more you shoot, the better you’ll become at making shots. So make a commitment to practice regularly, and you’ll see your shooting improve in no time.

What Should I Do If I’m In a Shooting Slump?

Basketball shooting slumps are frustrating. You know you have the skill to make the shot, but the ball isn’t going in for some reason. If you’re in a slump, don’t despair. There are things you can do to get out of it and start making shots again.

1. Take a Break: Sometimes, all you need is a mental break. Step away from the basketball court for a little while and clear your head. You’ll be refreshed and ready to shoot well again when you come back.

2. Change Your Routine: If you usually shoot jump shots, mix things up and take some layups or free throws instead. Changing your routine will throw off your defender and give you a better chance to score.

3. Work on Your Form: If your form is off, it will be difficult to make shots. Take time to practice your form and ensure you’re doing everything correctly. Once you have good form, making shots will be easier.

4. Don’t Get Discouraged: Slumps happen to everyone, even the best players in the world. The important thing is to keep practicing and working hard. Eventually, the shots will start falling again.


So, these are some tips and drills to improve your shooting in basketball. Remember to practice regularly, focus on the fundamentals, and have a positive attitude. By following these guidelines, you can work on your shot and become a better shooter. How do you practice your shooting? Let me know in the comments below!

Also, check out my list of the top 3-point shooters in the history of the NBA. Thanks for reading!

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