Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124



What Is a Press Break In Basketball?

What Is a Press Break? When running a press break in basketball, the aim is to break through the defense and get the ball up the court as quickly as possible. There are a few different ways to do this, but the…

Why Do They Cut The Net Down In College Basketball?

Why Do They Cut The Net Down In Basketball? When a team wins the NCAA Tournament, one tradition always takes place: cutting down the nets. This tradition has become synonymous with winning the biggest tournament in college basketball and is something every…

What Is A Defenseman In Hockey?

What Is A Defenseman In Hockey? Defensemen come in different shapes and sizes, but they all share one common goal: to keep the puck out of their net. A defenseman in hockey is responsible for protecting their own team’s net and clearing…

How Many Players Are On A Basketball Team?

Different Variations Of Basketball A basketball team typically consists of five players. However, there are variations, such as three-on-three basketball or even one-on-one. The most important thing is that each team has the same number of players so that the…

What Is The Coin Toss In American Football?

What Is The Opening Coin Toss In Football? A coin toss is a method of starting or determining the possession of the ball in American football. The team that wins the coin toss gets to choose whether to kick off or receive…

What Is a Face-Off In The Game of Hockey?

What Is a Face-Off In The Game of Hockey? A face-off is when two players line up opposite each other and try to gain control of the puck, and the player who wins can take possession of the puck and…

The Single Best Way To Wash Your Baseball Cap

How Do I Wash A Baseball Cap? Most people assume that washing a baseball cap is as simple as throwing it in the laundry with the rest of their clothes. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Baseball caps are delicate items that…

How Many Fouls to Foul Out in The NBA?

How Many Fouls To Foul Out? In the NBA, players are automatically ejected from the game if they commit six fouls. This rule is in place to ensure that players who are committing many fouls cannot stay on the court and impact…

When Was Soccer Invented?

When Was Soccer Invented? Soccer is the world’s most popular sport and is played by millions of people worldwide. Though the exact date it was created is unknown, many historians agree that the game can be traced back to ancient Greece, Rome, China, and India. The…

What Is The Running Game In American Football?

What Is The Running Game In Football? The running game in football is all about controlling the clock, gaining yardage, and ultimately scoring touchdowns. It involves the offensive team using their players to run with or hand off to a…